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Brief introduction of Holland America derivative

 For yourself, for others, welcome to Holland America derivative! 

 Holland America derivative is cross-border electricity supplier website Holland America for the Department of the sea Amoy exclusive platform established regular, Holland America joined the micro business, all shopping can get 5-20% discount for each order and can get high scores, the basic goal of the completion within a specified time after the integration can not only change the goods against a superb collection of beautiful things can also be directly in Europe. Holland America website cash exchange.         

1, join the Holland America derivative conditions:     

 Age over 18 years of age, to understand the sea Amoy cross-border shopping, familiar with Holland America exchange site provides abundant goods, ready to hand, willing to relatives and friends in the promotion of Holland  America exchange website, and get a reward for themselves in helping others when shopping, you can add Holland America derivative.           

 2, Holland America micro business customers?     

 For myself, the daily family and personal consumption in the sea Amoy, frequent cross-border consumer purchase, adding Holland America derivative can immediately obtain 5-20% consumer preferences, save money for you; for  others, your relatives and friends to buy high-quality European demand for goods, but the relatives and friends are not familiar with the line in cross-border shopping, or are not familiar with the online payment, or there is no time      in Holland America exchange web browsing and purchase, you can exchange the Holland America website promotion and introduction of high-quality goods, and use your Holland America derivative account agent orders, charge  exchange fee from Holland America normal to buy friends, get the corresponding discount from 5-20%.      

3, Holland America micro providers can commercial operation?      

You can add Holland America, micro business, you can set up their own shops in any business platform, any merchandise sales department of Holland America website, after receiving the order, synchronization in Holland America  exchange website order, and then by the Holland America meeting in Holland local purchase packaged by air mail sending and receiving way straight to micro business customers.      

4, Holland America derivative orders how to send?      

Micro business orders can be sent to their own micro business address, can also be sent to any recipient address and derivative designated, Holland America sinks and provide no trace on behalf of all micro business, only  derivative marked "no trace in the remark on behalf of" can submit orders, Holland America exchange will in the package and giving with the gift box when removing all Holland America sinks Logo and mark.      

5, add Holland America derivative stored to how much money?      

      Don't need any money stored, click here to provide basic information to exchange, Holland America does not require derivative stockpile, or purchase certain commodity can obtain micro business qualifications, is completely zero  risk, zero inventory, zero cost, you need to invest, but your spare time and exchange of goods and the purchase of Holland America website process well, this helps you to the customers for the exchange of goods recommendation  Holland America and assist purchasing.     

      6, add Holland America derivative can get some discount?     

      From the basic level of V1, can be set up to enjoy a 5% discount, since joining the time, every 30 days at least one valid separate orders, the annual consumption of the order of not less than 24, the total amount of the purchase  order is not less than twenty thousand yuan, to reach the target, you can upgrade to Holland America derivative V2-V4, get a higher discount.     

     7, how to Holland America derivative exchange points?     

     Complete the most basic goal within the stipulated time, can be submitted to the exchange request in the member center, the exchange of cash, you can recharge, WeChat and Alipay can also transfer or bank transfer to micro business own WeChat, Alipay exchange or bank account, the standard is 5 yuan RMB1 redeem.     

     8, what circumstances will lose micro business qualifications?     

     If there is at least one order for 30 consecutive days, since joining the time within one year less than 24 of the total number of orders, or orders to buy the total amount of twenty thousand yuan less than the basic RMB or  equivalent of the euro, while micro Holland America will be automatically canceled business qualifications.     

     9, micro business will lose Holland America qualification penalty?     

     No, but if you do not reach the basic goal, was cancelled by the system of micro business, the account will be cleared and all points, the account will not be re apply for Holland America derivative.     

     Holland America derivative is so simple, save money and make money, click here to join!